Sunday, September 28, 2008

Become a "Grammy Member? Yes It Seems Possible!

So, if you have been in the music field, you've heard about the Grammy awards. Grammy is also known as The Recording Academy and also as NARAS or National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences.

We've looked into how to gain a membership in this prestigious society, and here seems to be the deal. The details are all spelled out at this URL (

But basically if you are on-line distributing your record with a minimum of 12 tracks and have a web site promoting your "product", which of course is the music, and possibly gigs, and it is "on sale" at Amazon, CD Baby, iTunes etc.,

In other words, if you can prove it to them that you are making your "life" through recorded sound, they will very likely to qualify you with a $100/year membership, $180 for two years, and $260 for three years.

Another way to qualify is to have two voting members recommend you in the membership. This is probably a bit hard for most of us to swing, and if you are established enough to know two voting members, then you'd probably would have gotten in already anyhow!

In terms of voting, yes people do vote to pick the Grammy winners, it sounds like most of independent musicians seems to qualify as voting members, but there is some credits you need to earn, and I have not completely figure that out yet. But even if you don't have credits, you can opt for non-voting Associate membership which can be later upgraded to voting once you earn the technical or creative credits. I am not sure how these credits are earned, sound like by the number of tracks you produced?

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